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GM Statement

Established in 2003, the company, Al Naser Electrical, has steadily built its reputation on a commitment to providing high quality and highly professional service in its field. The first 5 years of the company's profit and income were heavily invested on optimizing both technical and management growth capabilities. Our staff are highly trained and experienced in their field. We have qualified technicians and engineers [some of who are trained in ADDC] or [some received training in ADDC]. We are proud to have 6 of our Senior Engineers who are ADDC Certified as competent Engineers, and in the process to add more.

Acting with constant care is embedded in the safety culture of ANECE. Through the years we have established a company culture where safety is a natural way of thinking. It is our policy to conduct our operations in a manner that protects the health and safety of our employees as well as our contractors and other relevant parties. ANECE is committed to both maintaining and improving our HSE system on a regular basis. The company was accredited with ISO Certificates for Quality Management System; Environment Management System, and Occupational Health and Safety Management System. This means that our clients can look forward to years of quality performance.

ANECE has played a significant role in providing outstanding constructions services having an A1-Grade License with ADDC and registered in ADWEA to work on HV Networks. ANECE also provides Operation & Maintenance services for H.V. Substations and is certified by ADDC for substations up to 33kV.

A strong, conservative, financial system is established where ANECE maintains ZERO Obligations and plenty of back-ups. The assets of the company continue to increase through the years reaching to 40Million last year.

Our continuing success has come about through our ability to constantly meet customer demands and strong decision-making skills.
Trade License No. CN-1054931

Ahmad El Saffarini
General Manager

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